



 Conflicts among family members, spousal and child abuse, and poverty among single-parent households are familiar family problems but have been aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, we have not freed ourselves from the idea of a nuclear family, a group consisting of a heterosexual couple and their children, being united by a sense of intimacy and love. Clearly, this ideal no longer reflects real family life, where more people are in non-heterosexual relationships, more women participate in the labor force, and more children are born with assisted reproductive technology. However, family laws and policies in Japan are based on a model of the nuclear family consisting of a working father, a housewife mother, and their biological children, thereby disseminating the ideal image of the nuclear family and reproducing the gender division of labor and heteronormativity. The nuclear family model stands its way to revising the legal status of a child born after divorce and civil codes that allow married couples to have separate family names.
 We aim to construct new models of the family that can accommodate the diverse practice of family life across the globe by bringing together legal, institutional, historical, socio-cultural, medical, and philosophical insights and conducting comparative studies of family life in different cultures. What makes our project unique among the previous studies of the family is our focus on “love”—love in a couple, love in the family, love between parents and children, and love of children for their care-takers. Perhaps, the vital role of the nuclear family, organized around its ability to integrate sexuality, reproduction, and caring for the next generations under the banner of “love,” has come to an end. Nevertheless, it survives as a moral value in the name of “family bonds.” It is, therefore, an urgent task to make visible driving forces behind and discursive operations through which the idea of the nuclear family continues to survive.



冨山一郎 日本研究、沖縄近現代史研究(同志社大学、人文研客員教授)


直野章子 歴史社会学
立木康介 精神分析


内田利広 教育臨床心理学
小川公代 英文学
神田育也 イタリア映画研究
菅野優香 クィア・スタディーズ/映画・視覚文化研究
神原文子 家族社会学
木下千花 日本映画史
熊谷哲哉 ドイツ文学
小門 穂 生命倫理
酒井朋子 人類学
沈 恬恬 思想史、租税法
新藤麻里 家族社会学・比較社会学・地域研究(韓国)
鈴木洋仁 歴史社会学
DiStefano, Anthony S. 公衆衛生学、社会文化人類学
中井亜佐子 英文学、批評理論
長瀬正子 児童福祉、社会的養護
楡井 誠 マクロ経済学
花田里欧子 臨床心理学
日高由貴 音楽、教育学、児童文学
藤原辰史 農業史
丸山里美 社会学

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